Topigs Norsvin is renowned for its innovative approach in implementing new technologies and its continuous focus on cost-efficient pig production. Our focus on innovative breeding means we achieve higher genetic progress each year. This creates extra added value and new possibilities for our partners. Our genetic improvement is based on two major cornerstones: sustainability and efficiency. In our words: balanced breeding and total feed efficiency.
Topigs Norsvin is farmer-owned, with a philosophy of paying dividends through genetic progress. This means we generate maximum added value for our customers.
Topigs Norsvin provides the best service and support. A team of local and global support specialists advise and help partners. This enables producers to capture the full potential of Topigs Norsvin genetics.
Thanks to our local presence, we know individual needs and circumstances. This makes Topigs Norsvin the natural first choice for long-term partnerships for the entire pig industry. We take pride in working together with our partners to find new solutions and to help their business thrive.
© 2024 All rights reserved | Topigs Norsvin
Topigs Norsvin
Meerendonkweg 25
5216 TZ Den Bosch
The Netherlands
P.O. Box 15
5202 AA Den Bosch
The Netherlands
Asia and Africa