Chris Opschoor is Manager Feed Group International. Topigs Norsvin Feed Group provides advice to feed producers, advisors, and our customers about the best feeding quantity and quality to unlock the maximum potential of Topigs Norsvin genetics. In the last years TN Tempo has drastically changed into a boar that is known for achieving amazing results. The nutrient requirements of TN Tempo offspring have changed especially due to improved efficiency and higher growth rates, especially in the last part of the finishing period.
1. Chris’ tips to feed TN Tempo:TN Tempo offspring’s have a good daily feed intake. To determine the adequate levels of nutrients per kilo feed is monitoring of the feed intake key to achieve the best results in technical as in economical way.
2. Ensure proper intake of lysine per day at the end of the finishing phase to unlock the genetic potential. Due to the fast progress in daily gain in the TN Tempo and the combination of the TN70 especially in the end there is more to gain.
3. Check the levels of vitamins and minerals in the feed to support the high daily gain of the TN Tempo offspring’s. Due to the improved feed conversion daily intake of these nutrients are even more crucial.
4. The use of functional fiber is preferred to support gut health in combination with the advantage of the high daily intake capacity of TN Tempo offspring’s.
5. Keep TN Tempo offspring’s in their comfort zone of room temperature to ensure maximum growth rates.