Dear Topigs Norsvin customers and business partners,
The current worldwide development of COVID-19 represents a huge challenge and brings about global uncertainty. The crisis affects everybody, everywhere, and it creates considerable anxiety with many. At Topigs Norsvin the impact is clearly noticeable, just as in the rest of the global pork business. Many of our offices are located in regions that are heavily hit by the virus. First and foremost, our concern remains the health and wellbeing of you, your family and our Topigs Norsvin employees. With this memo, I want to inform you about what the company is doing to safeguard your business.
At Topigs Norsvin, we continue our genetic improvement program as scheduled, maintaining the entire breeding infrastructure and securing genetic dissemination to all our customers. At the same time, contingency plans have been designed and implemented to safeguard your business continuity. At our production facilities, we have a 100% non-visitor policy in place and have implemented social distancing. We strictly adhere to government policies stating that colleagues and their families should stay at home whenever they have a cough or feel ill.
The COVID-19 crisis also influences how we have to work. We work from home, and use video conferencing and other technology to stay in touch with each other. Our office, support, and sales teams are there for you. Also in the COVID-19 crisis, our Global and Local Technical Service Teams remains at your disposal to serve you digitally via web meetings and technical resource sharing. I encourage you to stay connected with Topigs Norsvin employees and to ask any questions you may have.
We want to thank everybody who fights this disease and crisis with all their energy, commitment, and passion. We also contribute to the fight against COVID-19 by donating personal protection equipment to medical workers; we have supplied lab equipment to test people for the prevalence of the virus, and have made donations to food banks.
In its history of more than 100 years, Topigs Norsvin has faced many difficult times and has shown resilience in overcoming these with our customers. We believe our industry remains also strong in difficult times. I am confident that together with you, we can emerge from this crisis stronger.
Thank you for your kind support, please stay safe and heathy, and I hope that I may have the opportunity to introduce myself in person to you in better times.
Yours sincerely,
Villaume Kal
CEO Topigs Norsvin