Pigbase, Topigs Norsvin’s breeding database, now contains data from more than 45 million breeding pigs. The 45th million pig is born mid-March at Bratland farm in Norway. On this farm Monika Bratland and husband Cato Aarsland breed the Norsvin Landrace. Last year the young farmers opened a brand new barn with the latest new technology. This farm was populated with high health SPF pigs. Young males of this farm are tested on the Delta Norway station and semen of these boars is used worldwide.
Breeding database Pigbase contains pig data gathered at nucleus farms, commercial farms, and slaughterhouses. It also contains genomic data and data gathered from CT scans, cut-out sessionsand other innovative measuring protocols used in our breeding program and research.
Pigbase links the Topigs Norsvin breeding farms with each other, thus creating a single large population of breeding pigs. This makes it possible to achieve high genetic progress and to rapidly disseminate to our customers around the world.